‘Mark Sinclair’ Write-Up: Part 2
Hey Guy's!
So here’s Part 2 and the final part of your early Christmas present! I hope
you enjoy it!
Until next year!
Much Love
- Peter & 'Mark'
3rd Birthday Bash 25.11.2011 @ Arcade Empire Feat. F.O.O.L & DirtyLoud
By: ‘Mark Sinclair’
By: Peter John ‘Jik’
I stand stock still sipping. Taking it all in, like a Hindu cow; the benevolent bovine. The composed expression of a Native American smeared across my face. But inside I’m all fire and brimstone; I want to erupt, scream, F@#%OUT and hurt somebody. I’m standing on the dance floor under a lighting rig watching Oliver Twisted. I had bounded into the space moments before, dancing harder than the music permitted, harder than the sparse veil of a crowd I expected to disappear into allowed. It failed to hide my madness, the turmoil of my previous week was on display and so I adopted a pose of the composed; no longer exposed, emotionally closed and detached. I react to nothing, no longer huffing and puffing. I feel like Oliver Twist twisted, I went out to “make handkerchiefs” with a friend and had my pockets picked. F@#%ING C#NT. Will people just come and dance already? I want to dance out my frustrations, I want to join the guys dancing in the back of Hotel California.
-DirtyLoud- |
Yesterday’s Pupil does it. He brings a crowd streaming in. Yes. The deep bass grips me but the lights are wasted as I screw up my face, closing my eyes. Crunch. Flex. Flail. F@#%. F@#% yes, bass blessed. Best! There’s nothing like being drawn into the present and letting go. Yesterday’s Pupil is a musician extraordinaire. His understanding of his art bleeds through in his music. He speaks through it, communicating the complex emotions which most lovers can only express through copulation. I haven’t seen him since Oppi 2010 where he greeted us with a hearty “F@#% you,” and then justified his arrogance through music which caught me off guard and had me in awe all the way back to camp.
-DirtyLoud- |
Arcade Empire; always a pleasure. Here transformed into a demon child’s carnival fantasy. A carnal fallacy. A balloon animal turned into a fleshless phallus. Outside what was once a parking lot is now a swirl of lights and decor; stilts, balloons, sparklers, jugglers, beer and madness. Inside it’s the usual intensity. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it; just get fixed with a fix quick.
-F.O.O.L- |
DirtyLoud take it even deeper. The complexity that is Yesterday’s Pupil is replaced by something less intricate but more execrative. Each bass drop is a frustration owned; primal scream therapy externalised into a bodily movement. Primal, yes. I can feel neurotransmitters flickering on and off in that reptilian part of my brain. Self consciousness gives way to an urge to kill, eat and F@#%. The place is packed, movement through the crowd becomes impossible. The only choice you have is stand your ground and party. Party hard. Retaliate to shoves from the rear by stepping forward and lunging back into them. Confront your feelings. Don’t take SH!T. It’s all there in the music, lessons to live your life by.
-F.O.O.L- |
" I'm a devil, I'm a demon, I'm a voice in your head,
You know the one that's telling you to jump over the edge "
-F.O.O.L- |
By the time F.O.O.L. come on I’m back; returned from the dark state of mind which plagued me. A veil has been lifted from my state of consciousness. I feel like a different person. I realise that the things we feel are an intersection of external stimuli and our perspective. And that if we carry our perspective from one set of stimuli to the next we will get a distorted image of reality. We need transitions, we need to shake free of the binding force of our memories which we cling to through emotions. Luckily my perspective and the stimulation were not independent, they influenced each other and the product was the reality I experienced. “Why can’t I be happy always?” I ponder with a smile. -MS
-F.O.O.L- |
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